Dr. Karolina Pierzynowska
has graduated from University of Gdansk, Poland. In 2013 he obtained BSc degree in biology, and in 2015 MSc degree in the same field. She defended her PhD thesis (entitled “Induction of autophagy as mechanism for genistein action in experimental therapy of neurodegenerative diseases”) in 2020 at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Gdansk. She continued her research during internships in the Institute of Cell Biology, Ukrainian Academy of Science, Lviv, Ukraine, and Laboratory of Molecular Neuropathology, Department of Biochemistry, Blanchette Rockefeller Institute for Neurosciences, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA. Currently, Dr Karolina Pierzynowska is Assistant Professor at the Department of Molecular Biology, University of Gdansk, Poland. She published over 60 articles in highly recognized, international research journals. She was awarded several prizes for her research, including Prof. Szybalski's Prize, Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Scholarship of the L’Oreal-UNESCO in the program 'For Women in Science', START scholarship of the Foundation for Polish Science, and International Future Science Future Star Award. She is an editor is research journals: Acta Biochimica Polonica, and BMC Research Notes. 

Scientific Focus 
Her scientific interests are focused on understanding cellular processes leading to neurodegenerative diseases, and development of novel therapies for such diseases. She investigates Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, lysosomal storage diseases, and neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA). Autophagy and ferroptosis are processes which Dr Karolina Pierzynowska focuses on specifically. She uses modern experimental methods, including large-scale transcriptomic analyses. Her research include studies on both cellular and animal models of human diseases.